Join an action team

Resilient Winona County is a volunteer group of folks just like you, working on a variety of projects that best fit their skills and interests. Check out the active groups below, and email your interest to!

Purpose: Guides and oversees all of the group’s work; makes decisions on projects and strategies; chooses how to use funding; evaluates and refines projects and approach.
Commitment: Monthly gatherings, regular communication, consensus decision-making

Purpose: Marketing and storytelling – getting the word out, sharing stories of success, advertising and promoting events, expanding community awareness of work.
Commitment: Occasional gatherings, project-based work

Purpose: Trains members in presenting on ACEs and trauma; develops approaches for working with different populations; help members share info with folks they serve; connects with organizations to provide mentorship and guidance in using trauma-informed practices and principles
Commitment: Monthly gatherings, project-based work, presenting and educating groups

Purpose: Plans and coordinates tabling, public events, fundraisers, and others.
Commitment: Occasional gatherings, staffing/attending events, project-based work