Request a presentation

Whether you represent a community group, organization, business, school, church, or other group that wants to learn more about trauma and resilience, Resilient Winona County would love to present to you! Click the button above to get started, or read on for details.

Our experienced trainers can come to you and work within your timeframe to share more about trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), resilience, practical skills and tools, and more – plus answer questions and provide accessible handouts and materials.

Experienced trainers are capable of shaping the presentation and message to your audience and needs. Presentations are free – we simply ask that if you’re able, you provide a freewill donation (we’ll give you options) that fully supports the trainers to continue doing their good work.

Here are the presentations we offer. Each can be tailored to your needs. Each are offered at three levels – Short (20-30 minutes), core (60-90 minutes), and in-depth (2-4 hours):

  • ACEs and trauma: Understanding ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences, Adverse Community Experiences), brain development, traumatic experiences – and the significant impacts they have on individuals, organizations, and the community
  • What does ACEs mean to me?: A scalable presentation and workshop to help you apply ACEs and resilience tools to your family, workplace and employees, school, or other personal or professional setting.
  • Help That Helps – Resilience Building: Practical tools, exercises and trauma-informed approaches for building resilience within one’s self, and to help build resilience in others
  • Brain Architecture: A hands-on game and discussion about the powerful role of relationships and trauma on early brain development–what promotes it, derails it, and the consequences for community.

Click the button below to get started!